Latest Private Equity & Venture Capital News

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The Takeovers Panel has declined to make orders despite finding unacceptable circumstances arose in a tussle between two private equity firms to gain control of a listed company.

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Global private equity firm makes local appointment to head new Australia and New Zealand office.

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Telstra is considering selling its stakes in investments made by the venture firm it formed in 2011.

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Private equity figures have expressed concern over a low value threshold for deals to be reviewed under proposed new M&A rules.

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One of Australia's largest industry super funds plans to increase its allocation to private credit over the next 12 months.

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Funding commitments for Australia's largest venture capital fund have effectively been cut in the Victorian state budget.

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The latest report on early-stage venture funding in New Zealand warns of the consequences for the wider economy if adequate funding cannot be maintained.

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National security is now the strongest investment thematic, even ahead of energy transition, according to a US-Australian advisory and investment firm.

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The managers of Australia's sovereign wealth fund, the Future Fund, kept exposure to private equity relatively stable over the first three months of 2024 as they increased investment in listed equities.

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Tech companies that have failed to gain traction when they have taken products to market have been revalued down by investors and more will follow.

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The number of Australian venture capital deals completed in the first three months of 2024 was the lowest in five years.

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A global asset manager is planning to step up private capital investing in Australia primarily through co-investing alongside local firms.

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A US multi-family office has entered the Australian market by acquiring a Melbourne-based boutique wealth advisory firm.

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Australia remains an attractive destination for global private capital but investors see bigger Asian region opportunities in two much larger economies.

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Macquarie forecasts suggest an anticipated further reduction in the rate of economic growth in Australia this year, but they also suggest it could prove to be a great time to invest private capital.

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Private equity has slipped to third spot among the asset classes in which the Future Fund is invested.

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CSIRO is offering free R&D training for selected developers of digital health and medical technologies.

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The chief executive of an online stockbroker backed by US investment firms has stood down.

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The recently established credit arm of global investment firm Hillhouse has quickly established a presence in Australia.

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An international bank has begun offering venture debt facilities in Australia and New Zealand and across the Asia-Pacific region.

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