Latest Private Equity & Venture Capital News

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The exit of the last asset from a $2.1 billion buyout fund has resulted in a 2x return to investors.

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Private company investments generated a 36.3% return for an ASX-listed technology investor over the 2022-23 financial year.

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A smaller business-focused private equity firm has agreed on an exit of up to $61 million for an investee it helped to almost triple in size over its investment period.

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A technology company that raised more than $33 million in venture capital has been placed in administration after failing to raise additional capital to continue its scale-up.

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A private equity former owner will receive a substantial return as a result of the acquisition of an ASX listed company.

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Mike Cannon-Brookes has reduced his stake in power generator AGL to pursue other climate change and renewable energy investments.

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An early-stage venture capital firm will receive substantial returns from a US private equity firm's investment in a Sydney-based technology firm.

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A listed technology investment firm is to realise a 25% increase in the value of its stake in a medical technology business to be acquired by Wesfarmers.

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A turnaround specialist private equity firm is to exit a pizza chain to a leading US quick service restaurants business.

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A new bid for a listed investee company has lifted the potential payout for a growth capital firm.

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A business once regarded as one of Australia's most successful private equity-backed success stories has filed for bankruptcy in the US.

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A private equity firm is supporting a zero-premium bid for a listed retailer in which it remains the largest shareholder.

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A prestige car reselling business has been exited to a Japanese global conglomerate.

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Changing market conditions have resulted in the Future Fund switching its listed equities focus to active fund managers.

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The takeover of a listed investee will boost the final returns for a growth capital firm.

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$86 million in venture capital investment has been burned by the collapse of a Sydney-based direct delivery groceries business.

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Venture investors are to profitably exit a fintech start-up with a specialist payments provider to take a controlling stake in the business.

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Some assets of a failed private equity-backed transport and logistics business are expected to be sold separately as receivers seek to realise returns for creditors.

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The acquisition of Australian athlete data tracking technology has resulted in a Sydney venture firm gaining a stake in a US company.

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The acquisition of an internet search engine provider will return a large part of the fund raised by a Sydney-based early-stage technology investment firm.

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