Latest Private Equity & Venture Capital News

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A private equity investee company has been acquired out of administration by a rival business.

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A former leading private equity firm has exited one of its remaining investments four years after first seeking a buyer.

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A Melbourne mining sector innovation team's investment in handheld elemental analysers is to be exited.

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A risk and compliance software company has been acquired by the private equity-backed global major player in its field.

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A Sydney mid-market private equity firm has exited its majority stake in a New Zealand-based travel business to an Auckland fund.

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A New Zealand private equity firm has exited an investment to an Australian counterpart.

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A UK-based growth capital firm has exited its stake in a New Zealand rehabilitation business to a Sydney-based growth capital firm.

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A strong return should be generated for a Sydney private equity firm through the planned acquisition of an environmental consultancy business by a KKR investee company.

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The ASX float of a fast-food chain will enable major shareholders to begin selling down their stakes.

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A mid-market growth capital firm is reportedly close to exiting its first investment in an overseas trade sale.

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A technology-focused private equity firm is believed to have generated a strong return selling its stake in a bookings management software company to a US business operating in an adjacent space.

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A global private investment firm has exited its stake in an accounting services and wealth management business to a Sydney private equity firm.

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Most of the $2.43bn worth of Canva sales sold in a secondary market sale in March came from past and present employees.

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Australia's largest venture capital fund is under siege from critics who claim it is an unnecessary expense for a state government that has debts of around $126 billion.

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A New Zealand private equity firm is to exit its investment in an Auckland-based skincare company with the business to be acquired by an Australian company.

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A US-based private equity firm has exited an investment to the investee company's prior New Zealand investor.

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A $2.77 billion acquisition of one of its US investee companies will generate a substantial return for an Australian and US venture firm.

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An investee of a state government-backed business investment fund is in receivership.

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A private equity-owned food distribution business is to be exited to an ASX-listed buyer at around $400 million.

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A Melbourne growth capital firm says an overseas trade sale exit will generate a "terrific return" for its investors.

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