Latest Private Equity & Venture Capital News

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A New Zealand mid-market private equity firm has invested in an online pet supplies company.

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A care services business that focuses on the growing demand for in-home care has attracted growth capital investment.

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A consortium led by a new tech fund is expected to acquire and take private an ASX-listed small business lender.

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Macquarie forecasts suggest an anticipated further reduction in the rate of economic growth in Australia this year, but they also suggest it could prove to be a great time to invest private capital.

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Two US venture firms have led a $NZ22 million investment round in a New Zealand company that has developed technology to track the performance of brands.

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A US-based private equity firm has exited an investment to the investee company's prior New Zealand investor.

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A $2.77 billion acquisition of one of its US investee companies will generate a substantial return for an Australian and US venture firm.

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A New Zealand firm is seeking to raise $NZ50 million for its second climate venture fund.

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A global growth capital firm which has an Australian super fund as one of its investors has led a $US25 million plus investment round in a Singapore corporate governance services firm.

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In this comment, Australian Private Equity & Venture Capital Journal Managing Editor Adrian Herbert considers how the private capital sector should respond to a proposal to lift the net asset threshold for sophisticated investors.

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An investee of a state government-backed business investment fund is in receivership.

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An ASX-listed tech company will come under private equity control if a $236.3 million acquisition proposal goes through.

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An embattled ASX-listed company has rejected a private equity acquisition offer but a spike in the company's share price suggests a further offer is likely.

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A $55m million funding round is expected to take a Queensland space technologies company through to its first commercial satellite launch before the end of this year.

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A global venture capital firm that focuses on quantum technologies has led a fundraising round in a Sydney quantum computer development company.

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A software company that has international power utilities as customers, has led a $29 million investment round in a technology enhanced energy retailer.

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An early-stage venture capital firm has declared a final close for its first fund after a 12-month raising period.

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A private equity-owned food distribution business is to be exited to an ASX-listed buyer at around $400 million.

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The first fund managers have been selected to receive capital from a $130 million Queensland state government venture capital development fund.

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A Silicon Valley venture capital firm has led a $19 million investment round for an Australian start-up that has developed an improved online search technology.

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